Sklarz Mastertest Pressure Testing

The professional leak testing device
For tests on pipes, manholes, separators, pressure lines, sleeves, house connections with air, vacuum, water and high pressure according to all available standards.

  • Water and Air Testing of Pipes
  • Water and Vacuum testing of Manholes and tanks
  • EN1610
  • EN805

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Compact test case with integrated high-performance industrial PC and TFT display and built-in pressure sensor for air and vacuum tests. With the test room control and the 1/2 “pipe dimensioning, even larger dimensions can be checked without any problems. The connections are made directly to the case via a panel. The modular structure allows the expansion of e.g. water testing, high pressure testing …
The test software already included allows simple and professional work and offers extensive and meaningful documentation. With the multilingual software, nothing stands in the way of Europe-wide use.

There are special sets available for various test tasks,

  • EN1610 & EN805 testing possible
  • Seperator test
  • Manhole test
  • Pipe Test
  • Gully Test
  • Vacuum Test
  • Multi-Test module (4 tests at once)
  • GPS System
  • Temperature Measurement